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Outsourced Data Protection Officer.

Our flexible Data Protection Officer Service is adapted to your requirements. We can help you meet your statutory obligation in a cost-effective way.

Our  Arab speaking experts meet the requirements for representing you as your statutory DPO. Let us represent and support you as your DPO.

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What is a Data Protection Officer?


The use of personal data is essential for many industries. However, its use comes with risks. Data Protection and Privacy Laws are enacted to mitigate the risks to individuals' rights and freedoms. In order to achieve that aim,  legislators globally have introduced the Data Protection Officers ("DPO") as a key component of data protection laws.


Certain organisations are obligated by law to appoint a DPO.

The DPO has certain roles, tasks and functions in the Law. The DPO must also be an expert in data protection laws and act with independence. The DPO was first established in Germany but now forms part of all new data protection and privacy regimes such as the EU General Data Protection Regulations 2016/69 (GDPR), DIFC Data Protection Law, the UAE Federal Law No 45 of 2021and the Bahrain Law No.30. of 2018.

Does my organisation need to appoint a DPO?

Whether you need to appoint a DPO is dependent on your processing activities. In particular, whether your organisation's core activities can result in a high risk to individuals or involves the large scale processing of sensitive information, which includes information about health, children, religious beliefs and ethnic origin.

Under various GCC laws, an organisation may be required to appoint a DPO if:

Its use of personal data creates a high level of risk on confidentiality and privacy of individuals personal information.

Its use of personal data involves systemic and comprehensive assessment of Sensitive Personal Data including profiling or automated processing.

Its use a large volume of Sensitive Personal Data.

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There may be sectors that are considered inherently more risky than others, for instance, the health, finance, education and tech sectors. You may also be a service provider on behalf of a another and conduct activities that may cause a high level of risk. It is important to assess your activities from the perspective of the individual.  Contact us to see how we can help you.


How we can help

At DP3R, we can represent you as your statutory Data Protection Officer. Our experts have held the position of DPO for some of the largest organisations in the UAE. At DP3R, we have the requisite skills and expertise in-house to support and guide you towards ensuring compliance with data protection laws like DIFC Data Protection Law 2020, UAE Law No 45 of 2021 and Bahrain's Law No.30 of 2018. 


As part of our DPO service, we can:

Notify Authorities in Arabic on your behalf and submit our information as your appointed representative.

Act independently and impartially.

Handle complaints from individuals or the public regarding your organisations data protection practices.

Liaise with Regulators in relation to any queries or concerns on your behalf.

Provide you with Data Protection Advice.

Support you on managing individual rights request such as the right to access.

We will provide you with regulatory advice with regards to data breach and incident response.

Provide you preferential rates with key Partners.

Represent you for a set number of hours per month to part-time depending on your needs.

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Key Benefits

peace of mind

As your outsourced DPO, we will take responsibility for monitoring  developments on regional laws such as regulator guidance, cabinet resolutions leaving you to focus on your businesses growth.

Cost effective

Sourcing and hiring equivalent experts in-house for data protection and privacy can be a substantial cost to businesses. An expert with comparable experience in-house would command a high salary. By outsourcing this statutory responsibility, you can manage your budget whilst ensuring compliance. Our engagements vary from hourly per month to part-time.


Under most GCC Personal Data Protection Laws, an, organisations must ensure appropriate technical and organisational measures are implemented. Our DPO can support in the  development of key policies, procedures and guidance for compliance with UAE Law as well as other international frameworks (GDPR and UK DPA 2018). 

We simplify data protection and privacy compliance.


Contact us for a no obligation discussion on your needs. We are an  Abu Dhabi headquartered business. Please read our Privacy Policy which informs you on what we'll do with your personal data submitted on the form.


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